base = new basketball_base(); if (!$this->base->isMobile) $this->visual = new visual_desktop($this->base); else $this->visual = new visual_mobile($this->base); $this->visual->Header($this->base->user->logged_in); $this->base->sportBar(); $this->content(); $this->visual->Footer(); } function content() { if (!$this->base->isMobile) { ?>
base->isMobile) { ?>
base->user->id, $this->base->isMobile); ?>
Each week, 12 games that take place on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday are available to pick. Make picks for the 8 games you are most confident in.
base->user->logged_in) { teamgroup::showCreateTeamOrGroupButtons($GLOBALS['basketball_picks_url']); } else { ?>

Login to make picks, or join or create a group.

Wins Prediction
Predict the total number of wins for every team. Also, predict the conference and league champions.
base->user->logged_in) { teamgroup::showCreateTeamOrGroupButtons($GLOBALS['basketball_wins_url']); } ?>
base->user->logged_in) { ?>
Why create a group?
To compete against your friends.
Set the point value for each award category.
Team or Group?
Team - The same set of people compete in all games.
Group - Just compete in this game.
base->isMobile) { ?>
base->user->logged_in) { $this->visual->userbox($this->base->user->id); } else { if ($this->base->user->fb_logged_in) { $fb_user = $this->base->user->facebook->getUser(); if ($fb_user) { try { $user_profile = $this->base->user->facebook->api('/me'); $name = $user_profile['name']; } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { $fb_user = null; } } register_form($this->base->user->fb_id, "", $name); } else { register_form($this->base->user->fb_id); } } ?>